Home Past Exhibitions
(Archive in Progress)

Past Exhibitions

Latent Content — Julia Underdah
April 28 - June 15, 2024

Dead Letter Room — Allie Tsubota
January 20 - March 21, 2024
A transhistorical correspondence with the late Japanese poet Hara Tamiki (原民喜, 1905–1951), known for his slender output of poetry and prose during the prewar and immediate postwar periods. 

From Here and now to Napalm test #1 — Yolanda Yang
December 2023 - Present (ongoing)

Brookline Arts Center

86 Monmouth Street, Brookline MA 02446

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9:30a – 5:30p

Gallery Hours: 
Wed-Fri:  2:00 – 8:00p
Saturday: 11:00a – 4:00p