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Past Events

Opening Reception: To a Returning CloudJuly 27th, 2024 |  Details

Brookline Open Studios May 4th, 2024 |  Details

Opening Reception: Latent Content April 28th, 2024

Art Off the Wall 2024March 16th, 2024 |  Details

Spring Open HouseMarch 10th, 2024 |  Details

Opening Reception: Dead Letter RoomJanuary 20th, 2024 |  Details

Opening Reception: Material LineageNovember 11th, 2023 |  Details

Brookline Arts Center

86 Monmouth Street, Brookline MA 02446

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9:30a – 5:30p

Gallery Hours: 
Wed-Fri:  2:00 – 8:00p
Saturday: 11:00a – 4:00p